Electrical Repair and Renovation in Magnolia, TX

Electricity can be a scary and intimidating thing; but, it is something that most of us take for granted during a daily life.  It is also something that you really don’t think about until something happens.  It may seem minor, but constantly tripping breakers, dimming lights, and outlets which suddenly stopped working can be a symptom of a major problem developing inside the walls of your home or business.  What’s really frightening is that these things happen where you can’t see them and can cause damage when you least expect it.

If you are looking for an electrical repair and renovation specialist, look no further. King & Son has the experience, training and knowledge to get the job done.  We are licensed, certified and insured for everyone who is involved protection.

We have the modern and up to date equipment to see trouble spots that are often hidden behind the walls of your home or business.  Our infrared imaging for instance, can spot those areas that literally glow when they are overloaded.

If you own an older home, more than likely you have older wiring as well.  Time and pests can take a toll on wiring that most folks forget about.  Squirrels, mice and other rodents a problem in your attic?  They love to chew on wiring, leaving bare spots in the insulation and causing a fire hazard most don’t even know about. We can diagnose these problems and concerns and make the necessary electrical repair and renovation before they become a big issue.

We also specialize in electrical repair and renovation when you are planning an add-on project to your home.  If you are enclosing your garage for instance, to add that man cave you’ve always wanted, you need our expert services to tie in that big screen TV and computer services as well.  Our Electrical repair and renovation services in Magnolia, Texas are so much more than just fixing frayed wires.

Other services we offer include such things as electrical contracting, electrical fixture installation, service panels and breaker box installation, pool lighting, landscape lighting, generators, whole house surge protection, and installation of energy saving devices.  For now, our Electrical repair and renovation services are only limited to Magnolia, Texas. Contact us today at 832-610-4235 to find out more about all our services and guarantee. Make an appointment with our friendly staff for an estimate that fits your schedule.

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(832) 610-1527

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